Write Anyway

1 min readSep 22, 2021

Go against the grain and write anyway

Photo by Dimitar Belchev on Unsplash

There’s going to be a lot of times when it’s a bad time to write, write anyways.

We can’t keep putting it off. We can’t keep placing it as our last and final thing to do. I spend all day waiting for the flow. Waiting for the interruptions to stop. I write best at night or uninterrupted and between reading a big stack of books which takes all day.

“But there’s things I need to do,” I tell myself. Cooking, cleaning and a trip to the playground all must be done before I write. The truth is I’m not even convinced it’s wrong to do it that way. But hey, for the sake of writing, let’s give it try.

Chores aren’t done? Write anyway.
Cooking not done? Write anyway.

I’m going to be honest. This challenge scares me. I feel like I’ll be overwhelmed with chores to do at the end of the night. But I’m gunna try it. You should try it with me. If anything, it’ll prepare us for Nanowrimo.

What do you think? Do you wait till chores are done to write? Would you do this challenge?




A writer and sensitive realist who takes risks with the intention of progress