Why You Should Write Right Now

2 min readJul 14, 2020

Six reasons why you should stop doing what you’re doing and write right now.

  1. You’ll have something to look back on. Not only to see your own growth but to have those memories you hold so dear.
  2. To learn from your experiences. It’s much easier to learn from your experiences when they are written down. Sometimes our brain remembers things wrong. It likes to play tricks on us. Smh, the brain is such an unreliable thing.
  3. It can be healing in so many ways. It could help you figure out what’s holding you back, or why you developed some quirky ritual or habit years ago. It can make ideas and concepts more clear and concrete. Writing can heal in so many ways.
  4. You’ll have something to leave behind. Everyone has so many different experiences and for me it’s nice to read and observe how others deal with experiences similar to my own. It can help other humans feel less alone. It can be eye opening and relieving. It could talk someone off the ledge. Seriously.
  5. You’ll have done something. Even if not one person reads your stuff you’ll have made a difference in yourself for yourself and that’s what’s most important. As they say you can’t truly help someone else until you help yourself.
  6. It can be cathartic. (Thank you Nory for that one.) I was telling her I wanted to set my screen play on fire cuz I’m so over it. She said that would be cathartic and that I should do it. Then I had to google the word cathartic. lol Writing can give you a release you don’t get in other places. Once in a great while things just come together and realization happens. Which can help you progress mentally or spiritually.




A writer and sensitive realist who takes risks with the intention of progress