The River of Creativity

3 min readApr 25, 2022

Creative Flow

Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

I like to think of creativity as a river. All the creativity and innovation in the world is in that river. You just have to wade the rivers of creativity and let it come to you. Sometimes it can take hours to capture the thing that piques your interest. Sometimes it comes to you in no time at all. When I was a kid, I remember playing in house corner for hours. I’d do my baby dolls laundry, organize the little space the way I wanted it, make dinner and feed my baby doll. I’d play so long I ended up sleeping in the house. I tell that story to remind us all that we have to let ourselves play for hours. We should play so long, we fall sleep doing it. I have to admit, lately I’ve got so much going on that I don’t have time to play creatively. I keep telling myself, things will get easier soon. Things will come together and give me more time to play and create and read and write the things I have fun writing about.

Sometimes I find myself asking but how do I even find the river? It’s so funny, my creative time at the library isn’t starting and finishing a bunch of books. It’s skimming them for different ideas. The intro sentence, formatting, prose, dialogue, and whether they have one of those summaries on the dust cover. It sounds like I’m cheating, but it inspires me. It reminds me that in the sea of books that surround me, my ability to story tell isn’t so bad.




A writer and sensitive realist who takes risks with the intention of progress