Teach Myself Entrepreneurship

2 min readDec 13, 2020

New Entrepreneur Things

Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash

My new obsession is entrepreneurship. I’m new to this entire world. I have dabbled here and there in basic business ideas, but the idea of entrepreneurship is a lot more exciting. I like the idea of having a few things going on at one time. I like the idea of slowly carving away with hardwork to be successful.

Being a writer has disciplined me to do things daily, even if I don’t want to do them. I feel like I can continue these habits into building something bigger. I think writing is important and is my main purpose, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t work at other things as well. If anything, it will add to my experience as a writer.

For anyone else who’s just jumping into the world of entrepreneurship, I wanted to share four things that I’ve started doing.

I began to follow entrepreneurs on Instagram.

Instagram is my favorite platform right now. So I began searching and following today’s leaders in entrepreneurship. This way, I can get inspiration, clips, stories and follow their lead. I save the posts I like most so I can both watch them later and have these types of accounts in my algorithm. I don’t know much about algorithms but I assume the more you like and save certain types of hashtags, the more likely you’ll find those accounts…




A writer and sensitive realist who takes risks with the intention of progress