Let’s Think About This

2 min readSep 7, 2020


Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash

I like the way that line sounds. “Hmm… Let’s think about this.”

It gives proper attention to the situation.

We have to say those words more often to allow ourselves to the space to step back and reevaluate what’s going on. In today’s world where instant gratification is the best option, there’s not much time to think things through. We don’t always get moments to step back and think, but we should.

“When you delay instant gratification, you will experience long-term satisfaction.” Anonymous

When you create moments that allow everyone to think it helps to lower tension. It allows you to breathe. It helps create a space where priorities can be weighed and measured which, then helps to establish the next best course of action.

“We live in a world of instant gratification, the world of the quick fix.” Rachel Taylor

So next time you’re pressured to make a hasty decision, try using these words to create a space for yourself to think. Even if that means you have to practice in the mirror.

“As we get past our superficial material wants and instant gratification we connect to a deeper part of ourselves, as well as to others, and the universe.” Judith Wright

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A writer and sensitive realist who takes risks with the intention of progress