How To Connect With Other Writers

5 min readAug 22, 2020
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

It’s important to connect with people who enjoy similar hobbies as you. It helps to have writers around that know how to support you. There are many reasons why it’s beneficial for writers to connect with writers. However, with writing being a solitary and time-consuming thing, it can be hard to get out there and make strong connections with other writers. So, here’s some tips on how I connect with other writers.

Facebook Groups

I have found Facebook writing groups to be a great place to get support and give support to other writers. It can be overwhelming once you get in there but speak up. Talk about your work, ask questions, and give your opinion. This is the best way for your people to find you and you to find them. Think of your comments as beacons sending light out to those you’ll have as friends for a lifetime or even a short time. Friends who understand the demands of writing are good to have with you on this wild ride.

Writing Workshops

I have made some great connections going to a writer’s workshop at my local library. We all are good friends and we get pretty connected to the stories that are shared in the group. It’s only once a month so I can plan it into my schedule. This helps to both improve your writing skills and slowly connect with other writers in person. Some people like to make friends…




A writer and sensitive realist who takes risks with the intention of progress